Visit Our New Project Gotham Bay Estates

Located in Coeur d' Alene Lake, Idaho

Click here to vist Gotham Bay Estates


Located Just outside Sandpoint, Idaho on Lakeshore Drive,

6.7 miles from Highway 95 on Pristine Timberland.

Less Than 10 miles to Sandpoint, & only 3 miles to

Springy Point Boat launch and recreation area.


For Sale:

Lot # - Prices - Size

#1 - SOLD

#2 - SOLD

#3 - SOLD

#4 - SOLD

#5 - SOLD

#6 - SOLD

#7 - SOLD

#8 - SOLD

#9 - SOLD


Front Entry off Lakeshore Drive. Close Up.

Road continuing up the property, wild turkeys in the road, left.

Right side entrance with Deer, right photo.

Lot # 2 8.0 Acres SOLD

Drive to lot # 2. View to house site.

Lot # 4 $180,000. 11.4 Acres SOLD

Views from lot # 4 SOLD

Lot # 5 8.3 Acres SOLD

Drive way to lot # 5 above, View looking from end of house pad SOLD

Pasture area below house pad looking toward lake left photo.

Looking away from the lake & to the rear of the lot right photo.

Lot #6 - 11.1 Acres SOLD

Drive to lot # 6. SOLD -- View from lot # 6. SOLD

Lot # 7 8.24 Acres.

Drive to lot #7---------------------- View from center of lot # 7. SOLD

Close up View center of lot # 7

View to left of lot # 7-------------- View of grass area below pad.

Lot # 9. SOLD

Drive to lot # 9. SOLD ----------- View from lot # 9. SOLD

View down through valley ------ Old logging trail.

Road during construction ------- Front entry before construction.

View midway before any cutting. Old trail.

Big Rock located on lot 7.

Below: Air view Lakeshore drive in front with approximate

boundary lines of property.

To See Air Photos of Lake

Pend Oreille & Sandpoint

& a large area Map Click Here

Big Rock Home

Visit Our New Project Gotham Bay Estates

Located in Coeur d' Alene Lake, Idaho

Click here to vist Gotham Bay Estates